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Saturday, February 5, 2011

American Woman

I know that this isn't the normal time of the year to feel patriotic or anything....but for some weird reason I am.  I started feeling that way when I heard a song I hadn't heard in the longest time, "American Woman" by Lenny Kravitz.  Well anyway it got me thinking and I felt like that song really fit in with a lot of pictures I'd been saving on my laptop recently.  They all had in common one thing....DENIM!   Now WHAT could be more American than denim????  Anyway here are all the pictures and also the song that inspired me to feel all patriotic and stuff in the beginning of February ( I know, I know I'm like 5 months off on this!)

So please tell me what you think about the post!  Thanks in advance! 


  1. amazin post here!

    love that collage...

    ur blog is very inspirin:)

    kiss dear


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